Our Financial Accountability
“Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men,” 2 Cor. 8:21
Janice and I run Fellowship in the Gospel Ministries as a ministry out under our local church, Strodes Mills Baptist Church of McVeytown, PA. However, SMBC is a small country church that lacks the capacity to adequately service our donors, handle the many details involved in our support, and deal with our various designated accounts.
We, therefore, sought and found an agency that was not only very reputable and competent in this area, but also one that makes sure that as much of the donor’s gift as possible reaches its intended target. Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) of Houston, TX, has been serving missionaries around the world since 1974, and is the agency that we asked to provide us with the donor services and financial accountability so crucial to our ministry. Other than the occasional “Love Offerings” that are given to us directly and recorded on our monthly reports, all of our financial gifts are received, receipted, and tracked through them. You may visit their website by clicking on their logo at the bottom of this page.
Each month CMC gathers our personal support, as well as donations designated toward various aspects of our ministry. While they forward our personal support to us at the end of each month, they hold in reserve specific ministry funds that we have set up at the CMC Office. Those funds include: Hampton Travel Fund, a Pastor Training Fund, a Scripture Fund, a Youth Ministries Fund, and a Vehicle Replacement Fund. Those various funds are held by CMC until such a time as we need them. Janice and I still make a point to communicate with the donor when the funds are distributed, just to let them know how and when their monies were used. We have all given money and never known what happened to it. Janice and I, however, strive to provide you with much more personal service than that.
CMC requires detailed monthly expense reports to be submitted to their offices in Houston to account for literally every penny of the support we receive. This is not only to safeguard their reputation with donors, but also, of course, their accountability to the IRS. Upon the completion and submission of these monthly reports to CMC, Janice and I also provide a copy of them to each member of our advisory board for review. That advisory board, which meets quarterly, serves as a redundant accountability structure for our ministry, since CMC Headquarters in Houston is so far away from where we operate on a day-to-day basis.
If you ever have any questions regarding the financial details of our ministry, please do not hesitate to contact us directly, or the office of the Central Missionary Clearinghouse Office at: 800-262-7729; 281-599-7411. You may also contact any member of the FITGM Advisory Board as found on this web site. Click on this logo to go to the web site of CMC.