Pastor Garry serves as the senior pastor of the Evangelical Baptist Church of Coupon, east of Port-au-Prince on the Double Harvest missionary compound near Croix-des-Bouquets. He also serves as Director of The Bible Institute of Croix des Bouquets. One of his passions is to train pastors and lay leaders for leadership positions in other Haitian churches. In fact, he is currently working with and supporting the church planting efforts of two former staff members. Evangelical Baptist Church – Le Rocher under the leadership of Pastor Jean Gaunick Louis, and Missionary Baptist Church of the Artibonite under Pastor Jean Faude Aurelien. Both of these works are listed below and are ministries served through “Fellowship in the Gospel Ministries”. It may be interesting for you to know that Pastor Garry is the son-in-law of Pastor Lucien Jean Marie, (Also listed below on this page).
As a couple, Garry and his wife Lucette, young parents themselves, also work with and provide Christian counseling for youth and young families. In fact, Garry learned his basic English by listening to hours of “Focus on the Family” programs, with Dr. James Dobson. The name of their ministry to families in many area churches is called “En Famille”. Garry is also an ardent student and teacher of expository preaching, a style so often lacking in the pulpits in Haiti. Finally, Pastor Garry has a very large youth ministry, dealing with the many needs of a wide range of young people, from children to those in their twenties.
We have known these two for a number of years. In fact, Garry and Lucette met each other at one of our early youth camps. The couple recently moved off the Double Harvest Missionary Compound into their own home, while continuing to serve the church there. This was a large step of faith and so they would definitely appreciate your prayer for the many facets of their life and growing ministry. We fully recommend Gary and Lucette for your consideration of monthly support to help them meet various needs as they faithfully minister in their Jerusalem. Please feel free to contact us for any details.
Special Note: Pastor Garry and Lucette’s En Famille ministry to families has become very popular and grown in demand. This has put them in the difficult position of having to turn down requests and opportunities to minister, due to insufficient funding for these seminars. If you feel led to due so, please contact Janice and me to help sponsor an En Famille event in Haiti.